Applying The FreeStyle Libre Sensor - Dubai, UAE


The sensor is the key to getting a complete glucose picture so don’t forget to apply the sensor with care:

• Select an area of skin on the back of your upper arm that generally stays flat during normal daily activities (no bending or folding).

• Avoid areas with moles, scarring or tattoos.

• Choose a site that is at least 2.5 cm away from an insulin injection site.

• To prevent discomfort or skin irritation, you should select a different site other than the one most recently used


• Clean the skin with soap and water, dry the skin, wipe skin with an alcohol swab (let it air-dry) before proceeding.


• The site selected on the back of the upper arm should be clean-shaven.


Peel open the sensor pack and unscrew the sensor applicator. Line up dark marks on sensor applicator and sensor pack. On a hard, flat surface, press down firmly on the sensor applicator until it comes to a stop.


Push down firmly to apply the sensor. Gently pull the sensor applicator away from the arm. The FreeStyle Libre Sensor can be used to check glucose after 1 hour.

1. Choose a site that is at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) away from an insulin injection site. To prevent discomfort or skin irritation, you should select a different site other than the one most recently used. 

2. CAUTION: Do NOT use the sensor pack or the sensor.

Why Do I Need A One Hour Warm-up Period When I First Apply A FreeStyle Libre Sensor?

This is about technology and your body working together.

Once a new sensor is firmly applied to your arm, it takes a little time to settle in.

To make sure your body and the sensor are fully in sync when you take your first reading by FreeStyle Libre Reader , we have programmed a 1 hour equilibration time as standard.


The sensor lasts up to 14 days and it is recommended to rotate the application site of the sensor between arms.


All FreeStyle Libre sensors are checked and calibrated at the factory – so you don’t have to!

This means you don’t have to do a blood glucose finger prick to get started with a new sensor or perform routine finger prick blood glucose tests while you are using the sensor.

If you are looking to buy FreeStyle Libre System in UAE.


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