FreeStyle Libre - Keeping Track Of Your Glucose Ups And Downs

Diabetes will cause daily fluctuations in your glucose levels, but regular glucose scanning throughout the day will help you maintain better glucose control. With the help of the features and reports of the FreeStyle Libre system, you can avoid glucose highs (hyperglycaemia) and lows (hypoglycaemia). TARGET GLUCOSE RANGE When you set up the FreeStyle Libre System for the first time, you can enter your Target Glucose Range in the settings of the reader. The Target Glucose Range helps you keep track of how your glucose levels are compared to the specified target range. How Can The FreeStyle Libre System Help You Avoid Glucose Highs And Lows? Time In Target This feature gives you a quick insight on how often your glucose levels are within the Target Glucose Range. The green ‘In Target’ bar in the middle tells you what percentage of time your sensor readings were within your target range for that time period. How much time you spent Above or Below your target range is shown by the orange ...